Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Paul Omojo Omaji: “Africa’s transition from poverty to prosperity is hindered by slavish dependence on the West”

Why representatives from 34 UNESCO centres from around the world came to Malaysia

UNESCO's Centre of Excellence participated in a UNESCO meeting

Sergey Lavrov appreciated the role of St. Petersburg Mining University in the development of partnership with Africa

What the UNESCO Centre offers

For Companies

1. Professional registration engineers:

professional registration allows to increase the capitalization of domestic public companies by increasing the quality of human resources.

the availability of registered engineers is one of the points of ESG strategy affecting the listing of companies on stock exchanges

the means to reach the target quartiles of efficiency and fulfill the requirements of the quality management system standard.

2. Improved competitiveness of companies

3. Increased competence of engineers with the help of the educational programmes of the Centre.

4. Participation in international industry forums and seminars.

5. Participation in international scientific projects.


For Young Scientists

1. Development of competencies for obtaining an international professional certificate.

2. International student exchange programmes and double degree programmes.

3. Summer schools – improvement of competences.

4. International forums and seminars with presentations of scientific works.

For Engineers

1. International certificate

An internationally recognized qualification from the British Council of Engineers (BCE) is recognized in most countries, and there is a system of mutual recognition and cross-credits with other countries.

2. Inclusion in the international database of chartered engineers.

3. Access to continuous professional development programmes.

For Academicians

1. Professional registration for the international grade of Chartered Scientist.

2. Participation in competency development programmes is the path to life-long learning

Areas of Work

The public professional association of technical universities of Africa «Subsoil of Africa»

Memorandum of UNESCO center and African Countries

Consortium of universities «Subsoil of Africa»

International Standard of Resource Extraction Engineers

A joint project of the UNESCO Centre and the IOM3 Institute (UK)

Standard of Resource Extraction Engineers

Scientific projects

Research activities of the Centre


Continue to Scientific Projects

International Competitions

World Young Scientist Reporting Contest


Get involved

Educational Programmes

International Summer Schools, Exchange Programmes with Leading Universities


Develop Competence

Upcoming Events

International Forum «The Role of Engineering Education and Science in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals - New Challenges and Solutions»

International Forum-Contest of Students and Young Researchers "Topical Issues of Rational Use of Natural Resources"

Branches of the UNESCO Centre in Russia and overseas


National Polytechnic University of Armenia
Efficient Use of Energy Resources in Mining and Processing Industry, Polymer Nanocomposites, Robotics, Mechanical Engineering



Technical University of Leoben
Research area: development of innovative solutions for careful extraction and efficient use of primary resources and recovery of minerals from secondary resources. Exchange programs: dual master's/post-graduate program, triple master's program with the Freiberg Mining Academy and the St. Petersburg Mining University "International Master of Science in Geo-environmental Engineering".



Freiberg Mining Academy
Digitalization of the raw materials industry, clean energy issues including hydrogen, decarbonization technologies, soil and water remediation technologies. Dual master's and graduate programs, triple-degree program.

Georg Agricola University of Applied Sciences (Bochum)
Reclamation, geo-resources and process engineering, mechanical engineering material science, electrical engineering and information technology.


Bosnia and Herzegovina

University of Banja Luka
Mineral processing, enrichment technology, robotic engineering, mechatronics, machine tool engineering.



Belarusian National Technical University

Innovation Competence Center of BELAZ is a unique project which presents the best technological solutions in mechanical engineering, digital and information technologies in the mining industry. The centre is designed to rise educational and scientific-practical training of students to a new level and upgrading qualifications on the basis of the Centre and the Mining University of specialists and managers of enterprises that operate BELAZ machinery to a new level. The center also conducts scientific research in priority areas of development in the mining industry. A special feature of the Centre is the use of virtual reality technology. With the help of VR-equipment, it is possible to simulate emergency situations, which are often dangerous or too expensive to reproduce in real life. With the help of such technologies students can study in detail not only the principle of operation of mining equipment, but also see real devices without sectional models or mock-ups.



LUT Lappeenranta University

Research areas: digital technologies, clean energy, recycling, circular economy. Short and medium-term exchange of students and graduate students, joint Master's degree programs, double degree PhD programs.


Great Britain

Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining IOM3

International professional registration of engineers on behalf of the British Engineering Council. Developing a proposal for the development of an international unified competency assessment system, determining the economic feasibility of developing and assessing the likelihood of implementing a unified competency system for professional mining engineers, necessary steps for developing an appropriate system, a set of assessment tools and a set of training materials for competency assessment experts, engaging with stakeholders worldwide to support and further implement a unified competency system.



China University of Mining and Technology

Creating a common international environment to increase the mobility of students, graduate students, and faculty; and implementing a unified international professional registration system for engineering personnel; and increasing the level of competence in mining; and creating a positive image of the industry in the public mind. The impact of CO2 emissions on the environment; improving the efficiency of coal use and reducing its negative impact on ecosystems; land reclamation.



In the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area the professional standards of the industry and mechanisms for the effective implementation of innovations in the extractive and processing enterprises are being developed.

The Khanty-Mansiy area is a supporting region of the UNESCO Centre in oil and gas business

On the basis of local scientific laboratories and specialized enterprises the advanced training courses for specialists working in the oil and gas sector are held, as well as internships for students of flagship mining universities around the world. Besides, the Yugra governments and top managers of raw material companies cooperate within the Centre, improve higher specialized education and develop a system of professional skills evaluation of the industry workers. Their tasks include the promotion of domestic achievements and implementation of the national strategy for the development of the mineral resource complex using the world's best practices.

Sibur Holding (PAO)

Sibur Holding (PAO)

1. Participating in the development of criteria and indicators to assess the competence of professional specialists in relation to the mineral resource complex together with the UNESCO Center;  ;

2. Carrying out accreditation of specialists of the mineral complex for obtaining international professional titles, in cooperation with the National Association of Mining Engineers;

3. Development of joint educational programs, professional development programs, online courses, short-term internships and advanced training programs for professionals and young researchers.

4. Conducting scientific research related to the petrochemical sector, digital technologies and key issues of petrochemical production development, including with the involvement of third parties.

Tatneft (PAO)

Tatneft (PAO)

«TATNEFT» is one of the largest Russian oil companies with dynamic development of oil and gas production, refining, oil and gas chemistry, tire complex, gas station network, electric power industry, development and production of equipment for oil and gas industry and a block of service structures. TATNEFT also participates in the capital of financial sector companies.

Our Partners


Saxa Juhamatti
Rector of Lappeenranta University Finland

I am confident that our joint activities within the UNESCO Competence Centre will contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals; and will become a springboard for improving the quality of education and science in all higher educational institutions that are part of the Competence Centre

Eichelseder Wilfried
Rector of the Leoben University Austria

In the year 2050, humankind will need twice as many resources as today. It turns out that there will be twice the burden on the environment. 

This is a technical problem that the UNESCO Centre is dealing with. And our university also has the opportunity to bring the EU's political structures important data on energy supplies and, of course, on the interaction with Russia.

We have opened a representative office in Brussels for this purpose.


Guryev Andrey
CEO of PhosAgro Group Russian Federation

We participate in the development of the International Competence Centre in Mining Engineering Education under the auspices of UNESCO. This is a new project that expands our cooperation for the benefit of the entire global community.

The company plans not only to maintain close cooperation in training students with Saint Petersburg Mining University, but also to send engineers to the UNESCO Competence Centre for advanced training, ensuring their integration into the international professional environment.

Konnov Dmitry
Management Board Chairman SIBUR Holding PJSC Russian Federation

We are interested in employing the best engineering and technical specialists in the industry at our modern high-tech enterprises. Cooperation with the International Competence Centre in Mining Engineering Education under the auspices of UNESCO opens up new horizons for the company in terms of training engineers and technical specialists adapted to our operations, taking into account international requirements for their qualifications.

Novak Alexander
Deputy Chairman of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Russian Federation

Saint Petersburg Mining University today is our key institution of higher education in the field of training engineers for the raw materials industry, and the creation of the UNESCO Centre on its premises proves this once again.

The centre will be a powerful educational platform in the mining and technical fields and a means of increasing international academic mobility in order to implement the ideas of sustainable development on the principles of equal social, economic and environmental cooperation.