Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow

Why Did the Ambassador of Tanzania Visit the Mining University?

In Tehran, the Delegation of Empress Catherine II St. Petersburg Mining University Participated in a Major Forum

Former Austrian Foreign Minister Conducts Exams for Students and Postgraduates at Empress Catherine II St. Petersburg Mining University

Act Lecture by Three German Scholars Held at St. Petersburg Mining University

Project "Education"

  1. Promotion of the Pilot Project initiatives of Saint Petersburg Mining University in accordance with the Presidential Decree of the Russian Federation.

  2. Development of policy recommendations for education and the promotion of engineering education within the activities of the "Nedra" University Consortium.

  3. Facilitation of the development of ideas and innovations, as well as the global dialogue between states and universities.

  4. Implementation of short-term educational programs.

  5. Identification of gifted high school students and the creation of priority admission opportunities to Saint Petersburg Mining University.

  6. Establishment and support of favorable conditions for the global mobility of students and doctoral candidates in the field of mining engineering.

  7. Enhancement of the prestige of education and professions within the mineral resources sector, along with the promotion of natural sciences.

Position of the Center


"Nedra Africa" Consortium

  1. Establishment of an effective and permanent platform for strategic dialogue in the mineral resources sector between government representatives, businesses, professional communities, and scientific institutions from Africa and Russia.

  2. Development of the "Nedra Africa" public-professional community for technical universities in Africa.

  3. Implementation of an international professional retraining program titled "Subsoil Use Management", aimed at enhancing the quality of managerial training in the mineral resource industries of African countries.

  4. Identification and support of talented students from African countries through the implementation of international short-term educational programs.

Project "Science"

Project objective:

The formation of a modern scientific worldview, methodology of scientific communication, and a culture and practice of research aimed at the development of scientific and academic personnel, the preservation of scientific heritage, and the systematic work of mining universities to enhance the professional qualifications of students and the scientific growth of faculty and researchers.


  1. Facilitate the development and advancement of scientific competencies among students, postgraduates, and young researchers by engaging them in scientific creativity, integrating them into the academic community, and fostering their participation in international professional networks based on principles of partnership, scientific cooperation, and communication.

  2. Promotion of scientific heritage, support leading scientific schools and advanced research teams implementing projects in critically important technologies and priority areas of science, engineering, and technology for the raw materials and processing industries of the national economy.

  3. Support for the systematic enhancement of scientific and academic qualifications of staff through the implementation of strategically significant research projects for the mineral resource sector of the economy, including in the fields of natural, social, and humanitarian sciences.

  4. p>Modernization of a comprehensive system for assessing international-level professional competence, with the awarding of qualifications to mining engineers and managers employed in enterprises of the mineral resource sector.


  5. Development of scientific communication and academic partnerships for research projects in the mineral resources sector.

  6. Organization of conferences, forums, seminars, and meetings conducted as part of the center’s activities.


Project "Cultural Heritage"

Project objective:

Enhancing the quality of engineering education, public perception, and the attractiveness of professions in the mineral resources industry through the promotion of the role of mining science and engineering culture in the advancement of scientific and technological progress.


  1. Preservation of the mining and technical heritage of Saint Petersburg Mining University, as a leader in the mineral resources industry of Russia, by studying its history and the diverse contributions of its graduates.

  2. Identification, utilization, and development of mining and technical cultural heritage sites in the regions where Saint Petersburg Mining University operates.

  3. Commemoration of outstanding scientists and researchers in mining and mineralogy, as well as distinguished alumni of the Mining Institute.

  4. Promotion of engineering and geological specialties, organization of career guidance events, and the use of museum collections as a tool for highlighting the historical and cultural development of engineering and technical professions.

Upcoming Events

XII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Directions in the Design of Mining Enterprises"

IV International Scientific and Practical Conference "Breakthrough Technologies in Exploration, Development, and Production of Hydrocarbon Resources"

V Russian Congress on Catalysis "ROSCATALYSIS"

International Forum «The Role of Engineering Education and Science in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals - New Challenges and Solutions»

Branches of the UNESCO Centre in Russia and overseas


National Polytechnic University of Armenia
Efficient Use of Energy Resources in Mining and Processing Industry, Polymer Nanocomposites, Robotics, Mechanical Engineering


Bosnia and Herzegovina

University of Banja Luka
Mineral processing, enrichment technology, robotic engineering, mechatronics, machine tool engineering.



Belarusian National Technical University

Innovation Competence Center of BELAZ is a unique project which presents the best technological solutions in mechanical engineering, digital and information technologies in the mining industry. The centre is designed to rise educational and scientific-practical training of students to a new level and upgrading qualifications on the basis of the Centre and the Mining University of specialists and managers of enterprises that operate BELAZ machinery to a new level. The center also conducts scientific research in priority areas of development in the mining industry. A special feature of the Centre is the use of virtual reality technology. With the help of VR-equipment, it is possible to simulate emergency situations, which are often dangerous or too expensive to reproduce in real life. With the help of such technologies students can study in detail not only the principle of operation of mining equipment, but also see real devices without sectional models or mock-ups.



China University of Mining and Technology

Creating a common international environment to increase the mobility of students, graduate students, and faculty; and implementing a unified international professional registration system for engineering personnel; and increasing the level of competence in mining; and creating a positive image of the industry in the public mind. The impact of CO2 emissions on the environment; improving the efficiency of coal use and reducing its negative impact on ecosystems; land reclamation.



In the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area the professional standards of the industry and mechanisms for the effective implementation of innovations in the extractive and processing enterprises are being developed.

The Khanty-Mansiy area is a supporting region of the UNESCO Centre in oil and gas business

On the basis of local scientific laboratories and specialized enterprises the advanced training courses for specialists working in the oil and gas sector are held, as well as internships for students of flagship mining universities around the world. Besides, the Yugra governments and top managers of raw material companies cooperate within the Centre, improve higher specialized education and develop a system of professional skills evaluation of the industry workers. Their tasks include the promotion of domestic achievements and implementation of the national strategy for the development of the mineral resource complex using the world's best practices.


Guryev Andrey
CEO of PhosAgro Group Russian Federation

We participate in the development of the International Competence Centre in Mining Engineering Education under the auspices of UNESCO. This is a new project that expands our cooperation for the benefit of the entire global community.

The company plans not only to maintain close cooperation in training students with Saint Petersburg Mining University, but also to send engineers to the UNESCO Competence Centre for advanced training, ensuring their integration into the international professional environment.

Konnov Dmitry
Management Board Chairman SIBUR Holding PJSC Russian Federation

We are interested in employing the best engineering and technical specialists in the industry at our modern high-tech enterprises. Cooperation with the International Competence Centre in Mining Engineering Education under the auspices of UNESCO opens up new horizons for the company in terms of training engineers and technical specialists adapted to our operations, taking into account international requirements for their qualifications.

Novak Alexander
Deputy Chairman of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Russian Federation

Saint Petersburg Mining University today is our key institution of higher education in the field of training engineers for the raw materials industry, and the creation of the UNESCO Centre on its premises proves this once again.

The centre will be a powerful educational platform in the mining and technical fields and a means of increasing international academic mobility in order to implement the ideas of sustainable development on the principles of equal social, economic and environmental cooperation.